World Aquaculture Singapore 2022

November 29 - December 2, 2022



Daniel Carlos Ferreira Lanza1,2,3, Márcia Danielle de Araújo Dantas1,3, Jéssica Marina de Paiva Pereira1,3, Cayro de Macêdo Mendes1,2.

1- Applied Molecular Biology Lab - LAPLIC, Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil

2 - Postgraduate Program in Bioinformatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil

3 - Postgraduate Program in Biochemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil


White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has been the cause of great economic losses in world shrimp farming. In this work the genome of a Brazilian WSSV isolate was determined from direct sequencing of total DNA extracted from an infected whiteleg shrimp, and assembled based on a chimera template approach. Improved PCR primers for WSSV genotyping were developed considering the new Brazilian sequences, and validated in vitro. In addition, sequences and putative proteins encoded by WSSV variable regions (ORF94, ORF75, ORF125, ORF14/15, ORF23/24) were characterized in silico. Comparisons between WSSV-BR and other isolates revealed that the Brazilian virus has a relatively small genome, and is very similar to isolates from Thailand and Mexico. A phylogenetic relationship using different approaches has demonstrated that these isolates share a common evolutionary history. An analysis of conflicting phylogenetic signals also considering genomes of other isolates revealed that the evolutionary history of WSSV may be related to recombination events. We observed that these events can also be traced at some level by analyzing the homologous regions in the WSSV genome. The existence of recombination events introduces a new point of view that must be considered in the evolutionary history of WSSV.
