World Aquaculture 2021

May 24 - 27, 2022

Mérida, Mexico



 Esau Arana*

Auburn University

Auburn, AL 36849


 As the world population increase, and overall steady world fisheries captures, the urgent demand of aquaculture production is eminent.  Year increase of  World aquaculture products (FAO 2020) decline from more than 6% on years (2001-2005) to 4% (2016-2018). However, countries like Mexico and Colombia show an increase of 9% on the latest years .  Unite States catfish industry has decline since 2005 (Hanson and  Site,2015) due to imports of pangasius to US markets.  IPRS technology born over the  necessity to increase production, economically efficient. IPRS is not new, it shows up on the late 90 under direction of Mike Masser , but with a low-key technology.  Dr. Chappell redesigned this technology, creating a water flow average 10 cm/s.  this create a river inside a pond exposing nitrogen derivates to nitrification bacteria and designing a solid settling area where solid can be taken out of the aquatic environment.  This latest feature not only improves water quality but also increase carrying capacity as well as using same water for years.  Production data collected over several countries in LATAM shows that fish producer yield an average of 45,000 kg/Ha/Year in two crops.  IPRS technology can increase yield at an average of 96,946 kg/Ha/year in three crops, and in many cases more than that with an average ROI % of 39.2