Nodipecten subnodosus ( G. B. Sowerby I, 1835) belongs to the Pectinidae
family and is a species with a high aquacultural potential in Mexico, where it is known as “Mano de León” or lion’s paw.
As with any other aquacultural species, t here is interest in generating genetic markers for aquaculture purposes. The objective of this study was to obtain the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) using next generation sequencing (NGS). Total DNA was extracted (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) from a gill sample, cleaned and sent for NGS at the University of Georgia using a high-throughput sequencer TruSeq
NanoTM kit (Illumina,San Diego, CA).
After, r eads were cleaned and assembled with CLC Genomics Workbench (10.1), Novoplasty and Geneius software packages. The largest contig corresponded to the mitogenome. However, there was a size difference among contigs (~300 bp) from the different software packages, which is been corroborated. Annotation was carried out with Mitos (software) and checked with other P ectinidae mitogenomes downloaded from the NCBI.
The mitogenome of N. subnodosus
had a length of ~16, 396 bp (35%A, 25%T, 20% G and 20%
(Fig. 1) . When compared with other Pectinidae. mitogenomes, N. subnodosus mitogenome had a novel gene arrangement , which will be shown and discussed further together with the phylogenetic relationships.