Aquaculture 2022

February 28 - March 4, 2022

San Diego, California


German Lira, Carlos Basulto, Germán E. Merino*


*Departamento de Acuicultura, Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile.



 Argopecten purpuratus  hatchery technology  is  primarily  based on batch systems with 100% of water exchange per day and rearing volumes  ranging from  500 L to 70  m3. Recently, a RAS technology  was investigated and yielded satisfactory results for the production of  postlarvae and early juvenile scallops. I n this study, we assessed RAS  productive performance at various  rearing densities (20, 40, 80, and 120 larvae/mL), with a  batch system at  a  common rearing density of 15 larvae/mL  serving  as a control.  Later, the young juveniles were  reared in suspended systems for 60 days at Tongoy Bay to evaluate their juveniles’ yield.

Two spawnings were performed sequentially every 20 days. Sixty scallop broodstocks with an average of 7.5 cm of shell length were taken from a population of 200 specimens from a suspended system located in Tongoy Bay for each spawning.  The RAS had twelve 250 L flat- bottom cylindrical tanks,  a water  pump (Vulcano 0.3 hp),  a UV sterilizer (Ql-40 Bioligth), 2 biofilters, and air injection  from a turbo blower (Sweetwater) .

RAS provided  stable water quality conditions  for  rearing scallop larvae at densities of 40, 80, and 120 larvae/mL . Competent larva e  (220 µm shell length)  were obtained after 11 days of culture in all RAS, but it took at least 21 days in the batch control system . L arval morphology at high  rearing  densities appears uniform without shell damages as compared with those reared in a batch system, which can potentially increase the mortality of the larvae and juveniles. The production of 5-13 mm juveniles after 60 rearing days in longlines was better for RAS in comparison to  the typical batch technology. Results reported in this research would significantly improve rearing protocols and the design of recirculating aquacultural systems for  hatchery production of juvenile scallops.