Aquaculture 2022

February 28 - March 4, 2022

San Diego, California



Stephen P. Geiger


Fish & Wildlife Research Institute – FL FWC

100 8th Ave SE

St. Petersburg FL.  33701


 Synchronous spawning of  the core  population  of bay scallop s (Argopecten irradians )  in Florida  was described by early studies of this species, and may be critical to population dynamics, but later research has shown that in some of the Florida subpopulations, settlement of spat is nearly continuous.  S ettlement rates of bay scallops were monitored  seasonally  from 1992 through  1999 then almost continuously until 2017 in the open gulf and  most of the enclosed bays along the west coast of Florida, after which the focus of the program switched to collection of wild harvest of juveniles for restoration.   The principal methodology was deployment of artificial spat collectors (&fraq12;-bushel citrus bags ) for 6-8 weeks.   Analysis of the long-term data set is still ongoing. 

 Spat settlement rate was analyzed with  generalized linear mixed models  using  a negative binom ial distribution (spat data is zero-inflated) in R software.   Primary environmental drivers for settlement  models  included temperature (T), salinity (S), chlorophyll (when available), turbidity and red tide (Karenia brevis ) concentration .   Statistical models also included  variations of these  terms including non-linear factors (T2 and S2), the change in temperature during deployment ( ?T  and ?T2) ,  and the change in temperature  or salinity  during the month preceding deployment (as an estimate of spawning cues; ?ST , ?ST2 , ?SS, ?SS2).  The dependent factor in models was the number of spat settling to the collector.  Deployment duration was included in all models. 

T emperature, salinity, and  temperature  changes  during presumed spawning period  were all important contributors to the model.   Temperature drops of -10  °C  or more  during the fall are predicted to produce large settlement events , presumably by  serving as a strong spawning cue to the broodstock, either directly or as the waters warm after the passage of cold fronts. Temperature increases in the spring precede smaller settlement peaks. Climate change could result in t he loss of  the coldest winter temperatures  which  could  reduce synchrony in bay scallop  spawning  during the fall  but increased  intensity of weather systems could offset  those changes.  Frequency and intensity of red tide can both repress settlement, but red tides are infrequent in the regions where the core population persists.  Intrusion of red tide to the core region ,  either increased frequency or intensity, could be devastating to the long-term viability of bay scallops in Florida.