Kentucky County Extension offices receive numerous requests for information regarding the management of ponds and lakes . Client interest in private pond and lake management issues is greatest during the months of March to October. Information requests recorded from University of Kentucky Agriculture and Natural Resources Agents and from the public were tallied into the following subject areas: aquaculture, pond and lake management, aquatic plant and algae control, and aquatic natural resources management. Due to the large number of pond plant and algae control requests received, these were tabulated separately from those of pond and lake management. Data were collected to estimate the percentage of inquiries pertaining to each subject area . Table 1. Provides these results.
During 2017 - 20 20 aquaculture information requests averaged 17.5% of total inquiries recorded and ranged from 22% in 2017 to 16% in 2020 . Four-year averages of pond management and aquatic vegeta tion control information requests were similar at 39.5% and 38.8%, respectively. Numbers of these requests b etween years were relatively consistent and differed < 5%. Pond and lake management and aquatic vegetation control information requests when combined totaled 78.3% of the client inquiries recorded. Aquatic natural resource management- based inquiries averaged < 10% for the three years data were collected. These data suggest the need for significant Extension programming effort to address private pond/ lake management and aquatic plant control iss ues during the spring and summer months.