The Aquatic Veterinary Medicine Committee of the American Veterinary Medical Association convened approximately 45 stakeholders representing state agriculture, fish and wildlife, and natural resources agencies; academic and research institutions; animal health laboratories; and federal agencies for a dialogue about veterinary practice in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The objectives of the meeting were to:
Challenges and Opportunities in the EEZ
The EEZ offers a significant opportunity to expand the marine food fish aquaculture sector in the United States and meet a growing domestic demand for seafood. While aquaculture has been more prevalent in state waters, very few commercial facilities have been permitted seaward of state jurisdiction under the Submerged Lands Act in the EEZ, which is under federal jurisdiction. As a result, many questions have emerged within the veterinary community about the challenges and opportunities of practicing veterinary medicine in the EEZ.
AVMA policy on Aquatic Veterinary Practice in U.S. Waters Outside State Jurisdiction
The AVMA recommends that the criteria for veterinarians to practice veterinary medicine in these waters consist of three components:
Next Steps for Veterinarian's Roles in the EEZ
Participants identified the following opportunities for promoting, protecting, and advancing veterinarians' roles in aquaculture in the EEZ: