Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2019

June 19 - 21, 2019

Chennai Tamil Nadu - India


Prakan Chiarahkhongman*
Aquatics Animal Health Care Products Specialists and Solutions provider (AAHCPS) Advance Pharma Company (AVP)
Charoen Pokphand Group Global (CPG)

GOAL 2017 reported the shrimp farming industry's top three challenges around the world to be: (i) diseases, (ii) access to the good quality seed and (iii) SPF broodstock. An equally important challenge would be the continuously increasing shrimp production surpassing the global demand. Hence an effective strategy to control the available shrimp volume in the market requires high attention. On the other hand, shrimp farmers are calling for solutions against disease like WSSV, AHPND, WFS and EHP as they implementing earlier harvests the minimize the exposure risk. A highly effective solution to this challenge can be to control the pond/culture conditions by significantly reducing the crop's failures and subsequent mortalities caused by the above mentioned disease. Fast growing and disease tolerant SPF broodstock strain including the good quality seed have been needed and requested from the farmers. The extended "Nursery phase" in a controlled system have been adapted in many countries to avoid either additional daily cost expenditures or to minimize the risk associated with the extended days of culture (DOC). The current talk will discuss a  number of popular trends of health management practices that has been widely adopted by shrimp farmers around the world to achieve higher productivity and sustainability production.

Clean concept with strictly biosecurity system: The first priorities to consider are the environmental impact issues, clean seed, clean water and clean pond bottom have been emphasized as physical, chemical and biological precaution measures of biosecurity system and are recommended in every shrimp ponds to avoid the pond or crop failures caused by devastating disease.

Carrying capacity analysis: Farmers have to analyze their own abilities, capacities and facilities which may use to carry the biomass of shrimp in the pond without impairing any growth or cause any problems during the crop cycle. Optimum density including biomass /harvesting plan are needed to be considered along with availability of both water quality and quantity aspects and aeration are the most important factors to be concerned.

Pond resting, restoration and leave for natural healing: Greedy, heavily and repeatedly using the pond and water can lead to many problems including the environment deterioration and accumulation of waste as well as toxic gas, organic matter and pathogenic material including environmental resisted EHP spores. Crop holiday or winter break in some countries have been proved to effectively increase the success rate especially by performing basic practices of pond bottom drying, plowing, burnt liming etc. have been widely considered to be implemented.

Environmental responsibility and respect: Shrimp pond effluent, waste drainage and disposal may cause serious environmental impact and deterioration issues including the diseases persistent which may cause many impact negatively the shrimp business. Sludge pond including recycling system with treatment pond have been considered to be used to avoid progressive problems.

Other trends : Nursery phase, small size square shape pond design, long arm aerator, shrimp toilet, elevated raring pond bottom above drainage canal, co-culture with fish, mixo-trophic and symbiotic system, BFT, sufficiently vertical aerator for increasing aerobic conditions to bottom etc. all are considered by farmers to provide sustainable solutions in their shrimp farming business in 2019.