With the increase in population the ocean remain a the major source of protein for the years to come. While the aquaculture in India continues to growth mainly in the shrimp farming and freshwater fish farming sectors, the aquaculture of high value marine fin-fish still is incipient. With over 7500 km of coast line, India has a strong potential for fish farming both in cages and in coastal ponds.
Tropical species such as Cobia, Rachycentron canadum and Asian Sea Bass Lates calcarifer, are promising candidates for warm-water marine fin-fish aquaculture in India. Both Cobia and Asian Sea Bass are eurythermal and euryhaline tolerating a wide range of temperature and salinity. While Cobia is recognised for its fast growth, reaching over 6,0 kg in only 12 months, the Asian Sea Bass is recognised for its robustness and resistance to challenging environments and so being suitable for both cages and coastal ponds.
No different than other aquaculture species, the development of a solid marine fin-fish aquaculture sector depends on hatchery technology in first place. From this perspective, we have fragmented the marine fin-fish hatchery process exposing all elements necessary for complete functionality of a marine fin-fish hatchery.
In this work, we intend to unveil the step-by-step process of a tropical marine fin-fish hatchery, discussing the techniques used for several year in hatcheries around the globe. From site selection, biosecurity, broodstock maturation, live feeds production and larvae-culture the technology will be discussed, giving aquaculture specialists in India a in-depth knowledge of the subject.