The abstract submission deadline has been extended to April 15, 2025.
WORLD AQUACULTURE SAFARI 2025 encourages the submission of high quality oral and poster presentations. We strongly encourage authors to consider poster presentations because poster sessions will be an integral part of the program. Papers submitted for “oral presentation only” may not be accepted as oral presentations due to the limited number of available time slots. All abstracts must be in English – the official language of the conference.
Each oral presenter shall be entitled to no more than 15 minutes for a presentation, plus 5 minutes for questions. Authors of studies involving proprietary products or formulations should present this information in workshops or the trade show. Oral presentations should use Power Point. Slides, overhead projectors and video players will not be available or allowed.
All presenters are required to pay their own registration accommodation and travel expenses.World Aquaculture Safari 2025 cannot subsidize registration fees, travel or hotel costs. No Abstract Book will be printed - an Abstract Book will be avilable online.
Expanded Abstract Format - Please refer to the example.
You must read the Instructions and check the box to continue. Your abstract must conform to the specification for abstract formatting.
Please enter the name exactly as it appears in the abstract paper. Please do not type in all capitals. (Example: First Name:Daniel B. / Surname:Ramirez). The presenting author is the person who will be presenting this paper at the conference. (* = required field)
Please enter your paper title as shown in the example below.
Please enter the names exactly as you want them to appear in the program materials. Please do not type in all capitals. Type each coauthor First Name and Last Name exactly as they should appear. The order in which the coauthors are entered is the order that they will appear in the conference program. Please check for accuracy.
Please verify that the above information is correct before continuing.
The abstract that you upload should be formatted like the SAMPLE shown here and include the abstract title, the author names and the presenting author's contact information. It is preferred that the abstract be in Microsoft Word Rich Text Format (.rtf) for PC. Do not send in MAC, (.pdf), (.dat), Notepad, Word Pad or other formats - it could cause a delay in considering your abstract.
Attach Your Abstract Please use the "Browse.." button below to locate the your abstract file on your hard drive and attach it to your submission. It is preferred that the abstract be in Microsoft Word Rich Text Format (.rtf) for PC. File upload is limited to files of type .doc, .docx, or .rtf that are no larger than 8 MegaBytes.
You have not uploaded an abstract file. Please use the "Browse.." button to locate your abstract file. You cannot complete the submission process until you select an acceptable document to upload.