World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • DECEMBER 2023 5 Contact Extru-Tech today at 785-284-2153 or visit us online at KEEP IT SINGLE. SINGLE SCREW MULTIPLE MARKETS SINGLE SCREW EXTRUSION SYSTEM OPTIMIZES FLEXIBILITY AND MARKET OPPORTUNITIES Optimize the return on your capital investment with a single screw extrusion system. Buy one system and cost-effectively deliver product to multiple market opportunities. • One system capable of economy up to super premium fresh meat petfood • Aquatic feeds that range from floating to sinking shrimp feed • Capitalize on high margin petfood treat opportunities • Significantly lower operating cost per ton versus competitive systems As the chart below demonstrates, an Extru-Tech Single Screw Extrusion System provides all the flexibility and production efficiencies at around half the cost of competitive extrusion systems with high operating costs. PREMIUM PETFOOD PETFOOD SNACKS AQUA FEED P.O. Box 8 100 Airport Road Sabetha, KS 66534, USA Phone: 785-284-2153 Fax: 785-284-3143 Capital Investment Extru-Tech Solution The Competition Operating Costs Ingredient Flexibility Complexity Operating Cost ($/M Ton) 1.0 1.0 Excellent Low 1.08 2.5 1.60 Excellent High 2.80 vs ET-337F.indd 1 1/28/21 8:31 AM the membership has responded. We want to hear from everyone, as the survey results will direct USAS to topics for future webinars, meeting places, and inform the Board of issues important to the membership. As the meeting in San Antonio approaches, the call for student judges will go out to the membership. If you are a member of USAS and not a student, please consider assisting with judging. We would like to have a minimum of three judges per presentation while minimizing the number of presentations for each judge. The only way to do this is to increase the number of individuals who agree to judge. The outlook for attendance at the meeting in San Antonio is looking good! I look forward to seeing everyone. As always, please get in touch with me or any board member with suggestions, questions, or concerns. — Anita Kelly, President U.S. Aquaculture Society As I enter the third quarter of my Presidency, I am reminded of the old saying that a professional society is only as good as its members. The ballot for various officers and Directors will be sent out soon. This ballot contains several individuals who have top-notch credentials. I would go on to say that it will be quite challenging to choose candidates for each position. As a member of USAS, you have a say in who those individuals will be, but only if you vote. Voting does not take a lot of time, and those chosen will shape the direction of USAS in the next few years. We often see less than 10% of the members vote. I challenge everyone to vote as this year's election will be close. Vote to keep the leadership strong and ensure the future success of USAS. The Promotion and Membership Committee has sent a new questionnaire for membership feedback. To date, less than 8% of CHAPTER REPORTS As a member of USAS, you have a say in who those individuals will be, but only if you vote. Voting does not take a lot of time, and those chosen will shape the direction of USAS in the next few years.