World Aquaculture - September 2024

28 SEPTEMBER 2024 • WORLD AQUACULTURE • WWW.WAS.ORG and invited stakeholders in the tuna industry stay at the Achotines Laboratory while conducting 1-week courses and seminars on tuna aquaculture, while having the unique opportunity of conducting short-term experimental trials with the Achotines YFT broodstock, eggs, or larvae. Another important research emphasis through collaborative work conducted at the Laboratory has been testing new and promising fishing technology that is designed to reduce by-catch and mitigate negative effects caused by tuna fisheries in the ecosystem. Projects testing Fishing Aggregating Devices (FADs) made with biodegradable materials, and electronic detection of fishing buoys to be used in the purse-seine fishery in the EPO, are currently being conducted at the Laboratory, in partnership with AZTI Centro de Investigación Marina y Alimentaria, the European Union, and Satlink, respectively (Figure 8). Acknowledgments The history of the Achotines Laboratory would not be the same without the scientists and staff who helped shape it. Over 50 individuals have left their mark on the history of the Laboratory over a period of 40 years, including scientists, researchers, and local staff, many of whom have built their careers since the Achotines Laboratory was established and continue to contribute to the research program to present day. Currently, the ELHG is formed by Daniel Margulies, Susana Cusatti, Yole Buchalla, Eblin Pereira, and Vernon Scholey (Figure 9), while working closely with a talented group of local technicians that includes: Agustin Ortega, Alexander Ballesteros, Carlos Vergara, Daniel Mancilla, Daniel Mancilla O., Daniel Pérez, Danis Dominguez, Diomedes Ballesteros, Eduardo Madrid, Heriberto Espinosa, Ilka Díaz, Ruth Castillo, Yisvel López, and Yovani Ballesteros. We also thank the Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Inovación (SENACYT) for supporting our research activities and operations at the Achotines Laboratory. Notes Yole Buchalla*, Daniel Margulies, Susana Cusatti, Eblin Pereira and Vernon Scholey, Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive, San Diego, CA 92037 USA. * Corresponding Author: 1 References Agawa, Y., M. Ikaki, T. Komiya, T. Honryo, K. Tamura, N. Okada, T. Yagishita, T. Kobayashi, and Y. Sawada. 2015. Identification of male sex-linked DNA sequence of the cultured PBFT Thunnus orientalis. Fisheries Science 81:113-121. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1007/s12562-014-0833-8 Business Wire. 2023. Global tuna fish market report 2023: Sector to reach $52.85 billion by 2028 at a 3.6 percent CAGR. Retrieved from en/ Bromhead, D., V. Scholey, S. Nicol, D. Margulies, J. Wexler, M. Stein, S. Hoyle, C. Lennert-Cody, J. Williamson, J. Havenhand, T. Ilyina, and P. Lehodey. 2015. 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