World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • DECEMBER 2023 73 Phloroglucinol has not yet been found to be hazardous to normal cells. Instead, its cytoprotective effects on cell damage brought on by oxidative stress have been demonstrated in a number of animals (Kang et al. 2006, Kang et al. 2010). Fucoxanthin (Carotenoid Pigments) Fucoxanthin is most prevalent of the marine carotenoids, responsible for more than 10 percent of the estimated total carotenoids produced in nature, particularly in the marine environment. Brown edible seaweeds including Undaria pinnatifida, Hijikia fusiformis, Laminaria japonica, and Sargassum fulvellum contain this unique carotenoid (D’Orazio et al. 2012). The powerful bioactivities of fucoxanthin such as its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiobesity, anti-diabetic, anti-angiogenic, and anti-malarial activities, as well as its protective effects on the liver and blood vessels of the brain, bones, skin, and eyes, have attracted a lot of attention in biomedicine industries (Peng et al. 2011). Polysaccharides Seaweed cell walls contain a lot of polysaccharides, which give them flexibility and strength. Total polysaccharide content in related seaweed species ranges from 4 percent to 76 percent of dry weight. Brown seaweeds contain a variety of polysaccharides, including alginates, fucoidans, and laminarans (An et al. 2013). While alginic acids are alkali-soluble, fucoidans and laminarans are water-soluble. Brown algae also contains alginic acid, fucoidan (sulphated fucose), laminarin (β-1, 3 glucan) and sargassan. Fucoidans have pharmaceutical importance relating to their antiinflammatory properties. Recently, the fucoidans have been associated with a variety of biological activities, including those that are antiproliferative, antiangiogenic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-lipidemic, anti-coagulant, and immunomodulatory (Cumashi et al. 2007; Elizondo-Gonzalez et al. 2012). Laminarin is present in the fronds of Laminaria and Saccharina and, to a lesser extent, in species of Ascophyllum, Fucus, and Undaria. The content can range up to 32 percent of dry weight and varies with habitat and the season. One commercial use appears to be as a substrate for prebiotic microorganisms. By raising the number of B cells and helper T cells, laminarin strengthens the immune system and protects against infection by bacterial pathogens and also severe radiation. It decreases systolic blood pressure, lowers serum cholesterol levels and stimulates the immune system. Value-added Product from Raw Seaweed Processing: Bioethanol. The main interest in macroalgae is their usage in the synthesis of bioethanol since they contain substantial amounts of carbohydrates that can be successfully fermented to produce bioethanol. The majority of seaweed carbohydrates are easily degradable, such as laminarin in brown algae (Suutari et al. 2015). One of the promising alternatives to reducing the use of fossil fuels is the production of bioethanol from macroalgae, which can also help attain energy security and ecological sustainability. The three main components of a brown algal ethanol production process are pre-treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis, fermentation, and purification. Reith et al. 2002 reported a total conversion rate of 0.254 kg ethanol/kg dried brown algae. Biodiesel production. Non-edible vegetable oils, waste cooking (CONTINUED ON PAGE 74) Phlorotannins are divided into four subclasses based on the monomer linkages: fuhalols and phlorethols (ether linkage), fucols (phenyl linkage), fucophlorethols (ether and phenyl linkage), and eckols and carmalols (dibenzodioxin linkage) with a wide variety of molecular weights between 126 kDa and 650 kDa (Ragan et al. 1986). Phlorotannins exhibit a variety of bioactivities, including anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-proliferative, anti-viral, dermal protective, radioprotective, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial activities that helped brown seaweed build a reputation as a healthy food source (Kim et al. 2009, Eom et al. 2013). Phlorotannins are known to be more abundant among members of the Laminariaceae family when compared to other seaweeds. Ecklonia cava, a brown algae, is an especially rich source of phlorotannins (Heo et al. 2005). Phytosterol Brown seaweeds typically include a Phytosterol named fucosterol. In Padina sp. and Dictyota ciliolate, the bioactive component fucosterol is responsible for anti-proliferative and cytotoxic effects. Himanthalia elongate, Undaria pinnatifid, and Laminaria ochroleuca, three types of brown algae, have been shown to contain steroid substances such fucosterol and cholesterol. Important phytosterols such fucosterol, stigmasterol, campesterol, and sitosterol are found in brown algae Hormophysa triquetra and Padina pavonica. Padina gymnospora and Sargassum angustifolium have strong antioxidant properties and are reliable sources of stigmasterol, brassicasterol, fucosterol, and cholesterol. Polyphenols Brown algae species have distinctive secondary metabolites, such as polyphenols and phlorotannin complex, which are produced under severe conditions and have the ability to absorb UV radiation and heal wounds. Brown algae are employed as important components in cosmeceutical and nutraceutical products because of the polyphenols they contain, which have excellent biological activity (Sanjeewa et al. 2016). The anti-oxidative, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-allergic, anti-diabetes, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral actions of polyphenols have been demonstrated as therapeutic qualities. According to reports that Fucus sp., Sargassum sp. and Laminarin sp. have gallic acid, protocatechuic acid, genistic acid, vanillic acid, and caffeic acid. These phenolic compounds are responsible for the great antioxidant activity of these algae. According to Yegdaneh et al. 2016, the brown alga Himanthalia elongate showed the presence of natural antioxidants like gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and quercetin. Research indicates that Padina boergesenii contains significant amounts of phenolic compounds that can be employed as cancer chemo-preventive agents, such as gallic acid, caffeic acid, rutin, quercetin, and ferulic acid (Rajamani and Somasundaram 2018). Phloroglucinol The polyphenolic substance phloroglucinol has a chemical structure that includes an aromatic phenyl ring and three hydroxyl groups. Like other phenolic compounds, phloroglucinol exhibits a range of biological actions, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antibacterial, anti-allergic, and anti-viral activity. As a result, it has attracted significant interest for the creation of new medications (Crockett et al. 2008, Daikonya et al. 2002).