World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

52 DECEMBER 2023 • WORLD AQUACULTURE • WWW.WAS.ORG Brand The Standard in Growth and Survival Augmentation AlgaMac Enrich High in DHA and Natural Astaxanthin Celebrating 37 years serving the aquaculture industry with high quality diets, Artemia cysts and hatchery equipment including the AlgaMac series algae replacement/substitution rich in DHA for shrimp, fish and bivalve applications. AlgaMac-3050 Flake 20-22% DHA! - dry wt basis in crumble flake form. AlgaMac Protein Plus All celled DHA enriched Rotifer Growout Diet AlgaMac Enhance Two whole cell algaes with amino acids, nucleic acids, vitamins and beta-glucans Series World renowned AlgaMac Other high quality feeds from Bio-Marine: EconoMac Microparticle diet: Larval-PL stages Formulated Diets (4000 series) Micro-crumble diet: Larval-PL stages Astarose Natural source of Astaxanthin Spirulina Spray-dried Algae ArteMac Artemia Replacement Replace up to 100% Artemia with this nutritionally superior diet. MadMac Maturation Stimulator Fresh, make on-site. Rich in DHA. Aeration Filtration Heating Lab Supplies Meters Tubing & Hose UV/Ozone Water Quality Microscopes Pipe/Fittings/Valves P umps Refractometers Systems Design ... and more. Hatchery Equipment & Supplies PO Box 5, Hawthorne, California 90250 USA Tel: 310-973-5275 / Fax: 310-676-9387 If you wish to test our diets, please contact us for a sample. Red AlgaMac Rotifer & Artemia Enrichment. New email: Awuor, J.L. Last, S. Musa, H. Awandu, W. Awoko, S. Macharia and R.O. Abila. 2023a. Restocking of small water bodies for a post Covid recovery and growth of fisheries and aquaculture production: socioeconomic implications. Journal Scientific African 19: e01439. Aura C.M., F.J. Awuor, H. Awandu, H. Owiti, S. Musa, W. Owoko and J.M. Njiru. 2023b. How the pre and post COVID-19 era have shaped system understanding of the socioeconomic impact of small-scale inland fisheries. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 7: 100377. Bolgrien, D.W., J.V. Scharold, T.R. Angradi, T.D. Corry, E.W. Schwieger and J.R. Kelly. 2009. Trophic status of three large Missouri River reservoirs. Lake and Reservoir Management 25(2):176-190. Braithwaite, V.A. and A.G.V. Salvanes. 2010. Aquaculture and restocking: implications for conservation and welfare. Anim. Welf. 19:139-149. DMS. 2020. Dams Management Strategy (DMS). Funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and The Government of Kenya through the Aquaculture Business Development Programme (ABDP). Submitted to The Programme Coordinator (PC), Nyeri Office, Kenya. 56pp. EEA ETC/ICM. 2009. Small water bodies assessment of status and threats of standing small water bodies. Report published by the EEA European topic center on Inland, coastal and marine waters. Available at: status%20and%20threats%20of%20standing%20small20water%20 bodies.pdf. Last Accessed 17 December 2022. FAO. 2019. Kenya: High aquaculture growth needed to improve food security and nutrition. WAPI Policy Brief, CA4693EN/1/05.19. Rome, Italy. FAO. 2022. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture: Towards Blue Transformation. FAO, Rome Italy. Gibbs M.T. 2004. Interactions between bivalve shellfish farms and fishery resources. Aquaculture 240(1-4): 267-296. Musa, S., M.C. Aura, T. Tomasson, O. Sigurgeirsson and H. Thorarensen. 2021. The effect of two different feed types on growth, farm economics and nutrient loading of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) cage culture in Lake Victoria, Kenya. Journal of Applied Aquaculture Nyamweya, C.S., H.M. Nyaboke, M.C. Aura, K.N. Momanyo, E. Mlaponi, C.O. Odoli and J.M. Njiru. 2022. Lake Victoria’s bounty: A case for riparian countries’ blue economic investment. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10: 952654. https://doi10.3389/ fenvs.2022.952654. Owiti, H.O., J.O. Ochiewo, M.C. Aura, R. Kayanda, S.S. Sunil, P.W. Otuo, J.A. Obuya and J.M. Njiru. 2021. The Lost Coin: Redefining the economic and financial value of small-scale fisheries, the case of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 4: 100221. Welcomme, R.L. and D.M. Bartley. 1998. An evaluation of present techniques for the enhancement of fisheries. FAO, Fisheries Department.