World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

50 DECEMBER 2023 • WORLD AQUACULTURE • WWW.WAS.ORG 1. Enhanced economic benefits to communities 2. Infrastructural and human capacity development 3. Enabling environment for sustainable dam aquaculture i. Increased fish production ii. Integrated Dam Aquaculture Model iii. Ecotourism i. Improved Infrastructure for fish production and other dam uses ii. Improved human capacity i. Enabling environment for aquaculture activities ii. Increased investment in dam aquaculture iii. Environmental sustainability a) Supply of quality seed. b) Supply of quality feed for supplementary feeding. c) Restocking of dams. d) Intensification through cage farming. e) Post-harvest loss reduction using deep freezers. f) Value addition using smoking kilns. a) Agroforestry. b) Horticulture. c) Apiculture. a) Boat riding (outboard engine and canoe). b) Sport fishing (fishing lines, rods and floating platform). c) Bird watching view point (accessories and species guides). d) Picnic/Catering/Hotel services (capital cost). e) Events and photography. f) Signage. a) Improvement of access roads. b) Landscaping and improvement of dykes. c) Provision of security, fencing and predator control. d) Dredging and de-silting. e) Enhancing capacity of existing authenticated hatcheries near the dams. a) Undertake training needs assessment. b) Inception training on BMPs on aquaculture. c) Annual training on best management practices (BMPs) for community and farmers. d) Continuous professional development for extension officers. e) Development of information education and communication (IEC) materials (e.g., manuals, modules and guidelines etc.). f) Employment of technical officers i.e., farm managers / aquaculture technicians. g) Facilitation of leaders of the dam management team. a) Provision of adequate and relevant extension service. b) Participatory action-oriented research and result dissemination. c) Quarterly data collection on aquaculture production and reporting for decision making. d) Budgetary allocation and funding for dam aquaculture production. a) Subsidizing production cost of quality feed. b) Subsidizing production cost of quality seed. c) Formation of functional fisheries and aquaculture cooperatives. d) Access to affordable credit through functional cooperatives. e) Establishment of fish aggregation systems - Linking farmers to market opportunities. f) Establishment of facility sharing arrangements e.g., cooling and collection. g) Establishment of dam Aquaparks. h) Enhanced corporate social responsibilities (CSR). a) Environmental licensing for new development interventions/ installations (e.g., cost of EIA, EA, and licensing. b) Creating Environmental Management Plan for regular environmental monitoring, impact identification and mitigation. c) Management of water quality for within-dam and downstream environmental integrity. d) Setting up an appropriate waste management and pollution prevention strategy. e) Occupational health, hygiene and safety policy. f) Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies on Environmental aspects. TABLE 1. Key Result Areas (KRAs), strategic objectives and interventions that could be adopted for the Framework for Community-based Dam Aquaculture (FCODA). Key Result Areas Strategic Objectives Action Areas