World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • DECEMBER 2023 45 Definition Differences Materials Design Dimension Water depth Stocking density Feeding Cost-benefit ratio An area is enclosed with some effectively permeable barricade (nylon net, split bamboo screen, etc.) wherein fishes are reared for fingerlings or table fish production. The bottom is open. • Nylon net and split bamboo screen for making barricade • FRP or bamboo poles supporting the barricade. Any Any size according to the available area 1 m during the culture period • 30,000 fry/ha for carps • 40-60 fingerlings of pangasius/m2. • Pelleted feed with protein 28% twice a day @ 2–3% of body weight for carp • Pellet floating feed (Above 1.0 mm) 25-30% protein for first 2 months @ 5% body wt. as twice a day. From 3rd to 5th month twice a day @ 3% body wt. From 6th month onward twice a day @ 2% body wt. for fingerling to table Fish of pangasius. • 1.4 to 2.23 for Carp culture. Cage is an enclosed space to rear fish in the water that maintains free exchange of water with the surrounding water body. The bottom is not open. • Mild steel, galvanized iron, poly-vinyl chloride and virgin-grade HDPE for cage frames. • Knotless nylon nets with mesh size 10-30 mm are recommended for cage barricade • Empty 200L steel drums with tightened lids 88 cm long, and 58 cm in diameter for float, and 24 drums need in a frame 13.75 m long and 11.05 m wide. Rectangular and square 6m (length) x 4m (width) x 4m (height) 10 m during the culture period • 250 fry/m3 for carps • 500 to 700 and 60 to 100 nos./m3 of fry and fingerlings of pangasius respectively. • Same as pen for carp • Crumble floating feed (0.5-1.0 mm, 30-35% protein) 4-5 times a day @ 10% body wt. for fry to fingerling of pangasius • Pellet floating feed (> 1.0 mm, 25-30% protein) twice a day for first 2 months @ 5% body wt. From 3rd to 5th month twice a day @ 3% body wt. From 6th month onward twice a day @ 2% body wt. to table Fish of pangasius. • 2:20 to 2:25 for Carp culture. TABLE 1. Characteristics of enclosures Specifics Pen culture Cage culture Culture practices Production enhancement Cost-benefit ratio Culture of deepwater rice (submergence tolerance and elongation ability) such as Boro rice with stocked fish during the flood season followed by rice and non-rice crops in flooded areas during dry season Increase production of paddy straw and grain up to 6.73 and 4.36% per hectare area in rice -cum fish culture as compared to rice farming alone in same field 2.09 from both rice and carp fishes Culture of dry season rice and other rabi or vegetables crops followed by stocked fish only during the flood season either in a temporary enclosed area (as in a fish pen) or permanent enclosed area (as Mahisar chaur in Samstipur, Bihar The overall net income from both the agriculture and fishery in chaur can be ₹ 43.04 thousand (US$ 791.08) /ha/year and employment generation can be 78.11 man days/ha/year at Mahisar Chaur. 2.84 to 3.73 for fisheries only TABLE 2. Methods of integrated fish Farming pattern in floodplain wetlands Characteristics Concurrent culture Alternating culture