World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • DECEMBER 2023 35 Clare, E.L., C.K .Economou, C.G. Faulkes, J.D. Gilbert, F. Bennett, R. Drinkwater and J.E. Littlefair. 2021 eDNAir: Proof of concept that animal DNA can be collected from air sampling. PeerJ 9: e11030. Clare, E.L., C.K. Economou, F.J. Bennett, C.E. Dyer, K. Adams, B. McRobie, R. Drinkwater and J.E. Littlefair. 2022. Measuring biodiversity from DNA in the air. Current Biology 32: 693–700. Cristescu, M.E. and P.D. Hebert. 2018. Uses and misuses of environmental DNA in biodiversity science and conservation. Ann Rev Eco, Evol, Syst 49: 209-230. Danziger, A.M. and M. Frederich. 2022. Challenges in eDNA detection of the invasive European green crab, Carcinus maenas. Biol Invasions 24:1881–1894. Deiner, K. and F. Altermatt. 2014. Transport distance of invertebrate environmental DNA in a natural river. PLoS ONE, 9, e88786. https://doi. Org/10.1371/journal.pone.0088786 Erickson, R.A., C.M. Merkes and E.L. Mize. 2019. Sampling designs for landscape-level eDNA monitoring programs. Int Environ Assess Mgmt. 15(5):760-771. Farrell, J.A., L. Whitmore and D.J. Duffy. 2021. The promise and pitfalls of environmental DNA and RNA approaches for the monitoring of human and animal pathogens from aquatic sources. BioScience 71(6): 609–625. Ficetola, G.F., C. Miaud, F. Pompanon and P. Taberlet. 2008. Species detection using environmental DNA from water samples. Biol. Lett. 4(4):423–425. Guilfoyle, M.P. and T.M. Schultz. 2017. The contribution of doublecrested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) to silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) DNA loads in the Chicago Area Waterway System. J Great Lakes Res 43(6): 1181-1185 Guilfoyle, M.P., H.L. Farrington, R.F. Lance, K.C. Hanson-Dorr, B.S. Dorr and R.A. Fischer. 2017. Movement of Hypophthalmichthys DNA in the Illinois river watershed by the double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus). Waterbirds 40(1): 63-68. Gusareva, E.S., N.E. Gaultier, A. Uchidaa, B.N.V. Premkrishnana, C.E. Heinle, W.J. Phung, A. Wong, K.J.X. Lau, Z.H. Yap, Y. Koh, P.N. Ang, A. Putra, D. Panicker, J.G.H. Lee, L.C. Neves, D.I. Drautz-Mosesa and S.C. Schuster. 2022. Short-range contributions of local sources to ambient air. PNAS Nexus 1: 1–10. Harrison, J.B., J.M. Sunday and S.M. Rogers. 2019. Predicting the fate of eDNA in the environment and implications for studying biodiversity. Proc. R. Soc. Proceedings B. rspb.2019.1409. Jarman, S.N., O. Berry and M. Bunce. 2018. The value of environmental DNA biobanking for long-term biomonitoring. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 1192–1193. Jerde, C.L. 2021. Can we manage fisheries with the inherent uncertainty from eDNA? J Fish Bio. 98(2): 341-353. Jo, T. and T. Minamoto. 2021. Complex interactions between environmental DNA (eDNA) state and water chemistries on eDNA persistence suggested by meta-analyses. Mol Eco Res 21(5): 14901503. Joseph, C., M.E. Faiq, Z. Li and G. Chen. 2022. Persistence and degradation dynamics of eDNA affected by environmental factors in aquatic ecosystems. Hydrobiologia 22:1-5. Klepke, M.J., E.E. Sigsgaard, M.R. Jensen, K. Olsen. and P.F. Thomsen. 2022. Accumulation and diversity of airborne, eukaryotic environmental DNA. Environmental DNA 2022; 00:1–17. Lacoursière-Roussel, A. and K. Deiner. 2021. Environmental DNA is not a tool by itself. J Fish Bio. 98(2): 383–386. Laporte, M., B. Bougas, G. Côté, O. Champoux, Y. Paradis, J. Morin and L. Bernatchez. 2020. Caged fish experiment and hydrodynamic bidimensional modeling highlight the importance to consider 2D dispersion in fluvial environmental DNA studies. Environmental DNA. Loeza-Quintana, T., C.L. Abbott, D.D. Heath, L. Bernatchez and R.H. Hanner. 2020. Pathway to Increase Standards and Competency of eDNA Surveys (PISCes)-Advancing collaboration and standardization efforts in the field of eDNA. Environmental DNA 2(3) 255-260. Lynggaard, C., M.F. Bertelsen, C.V. Jensen, M.S. 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Counihan, A. Hoegh and D.S. Pilliod. 2020. A round-robin evaluation of the repeatability and reproducibility of environmental DNA assays for dreissenid mussels. Environmental DNA 2: 446–459. Stewart, K.A. 2019. Understanding the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on sources of aquatic environmental DNA. Bio Cons 28(5): 983-1001. Stokstad, E. 2021. DNA plucked from air identifies nearby animals. Science 373:6553. Thaler, D.S., J.H. Ausubel and M.Y. Stoeckle. 2023. Human and domesticated animal environmental DNA as bioassays of the Anthropocene. The Innovation 4(1), 100356. Wang, S., Z. Yan, B. Hänfling, X. Zheng, P. Wang, J. Fan and J. Li. 2020. Methodology of fish eDNA and its applications in ecology and environment. Sci Total Environ p.142. Whitmore, L., M. McCauley, J.A. Farrell, M.R. Stammnitz, S.A. Koda, N. Mashkour, V. Summers, T. Osborne, J. Whilde and D.J. Duffy. 2023. Inadvertent human genomic bycatch and intentional capture raise beneficial applications and ethical concerns with environmental DNA. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1-16. Zizka, V.M.A., J. Koschorreck, C.C. Khan and J.J. Astrin. 2022. Long‑term archival of environmental samples empowers biodiversity monitoring and ecological research. Environmental Sciences Europe 34:40