World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • DECEMBER 2023 31 Benfey, T. J. 2015. Effectiveness of triploidy as a management tool for reproductive containment of farmed fish: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) as a case study. Reviews in Aquaculture 8: 264-282. Crouse, C., J. Davidson, T. May, S. Summerfelt and C. Good. 2021. Production of market-size European strain Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in land-based freshwater closed containment aquaculture systems. Aquacultural Engineering 92: 102138. de Fonseka, R., P.G. Fjelldal, F. Sambraus, T.O. Nilsen, S.C. Remø, L.H. Stien, H.C. Reinardy, A. Madaro, T.J. Hansen and T.W.K. Fraser. 2022. Triploidy leads to a mismatch of smoltification biomarkers in the gill and differences in the optimal salinity for post-smolt growth in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 546: 737350. Directorate of Fisheries. 2023. Official statistics. Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout [online]. Aquaculture/Statistics/Atlantic-salmon-and-rainbow-trout [Cited Friday, January 20th 2023]. Diserud, O.H., K. Hindar, S. Karlsson, K.A. Glover and Ø. Skaala. 2020. Genetisk påvirkning av rømt oppdrettslaks på ville laksebestander – oppdatert status 2020. NINA Rapport 1926. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 2023. Global Aquaculture Production. Fisheries and Aquaculture Division [online]. Rome. [Cited Friday, 20th January 2023]. Fjelldal, P.G, T.J. Hansen, E.J. Lock, A. Wargelius, T.W.K. Fraser, F. Sambraus, A. El-Mowafi, S. Albrektsen, R. Waagbø and R. Ørnsrud. 2016. Increased dietary phosphorus prevents vertebral deformities in triploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture Nutrition 22: 72-90. Fraser, T.W.K., P.G. Fjelldal, T. Hansen and I. Mayer. 2012. Welfare considerations of triploid fish. Reviews in Fisheries Science 20: 192-211. Fraser, T.W.K., T. Hansen, J.E. Skjæraasen, I. Mayer, F. Sambraus and P.G. Fjelldal. 2013. The effect of triploidy on the culture performance, deformity prevalence, and heart morphology in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 416-417: 255-264. Fraser, T.W.K., T. Hansen, M.S. Fleming and P.G. Fjelldal. 2015. The prevalence of vertebral deformities is increased with higher egg incubation temperatures and triploidy in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. Journal of Fish Diseases 38: 75-89. Houston, R.D. and D.J. Macqueen. 2019. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) genetics in the 21st century: taking leaps forward in aquaculture and biological understanding. Animal Genetics 50: 3-14. Jørgensen, K.M., V. Wennevik, A.G.E. Sørvik, L. Unneland, S. Prusov, F. Ayllon and K.A. Glover. 2018. Investigating the frequency of triploid Atlantic salmon in wild Norwegian and Russian populations. BMC Genetics 19: 90. Kleppe, L., P.G. Fjelldal, E. Andersson, T. Hansen, M. Sanden, A. Bruvik, K.O. Skaftnesmo, T. Furmanek, E. Kjærner-Semb, D. Crespo, S. Flavell, A.Ø. Pedersen, P. Vogelsang, A. Torsvik, K.A. Kvestad, S. Olausson, B. Norberg, R.W. Schulz, J. Bogerd, N. Santi, R.B. Edvardsen and A. Wargelius. 2022. Full production cycle performance of gene-edited, sterile Atlantic salmon - growth, smoltification, welfare indicators and fillet composition. Aquaculture 560: 738456. Madaro, A., S. Kjøglum, T. Hansen, P.G. Fjelldal and L.H. Stien. 2022. A comparison of triploid and diploid Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) performance and welfare under commercial farming conditions in Norway. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 34: 1021-1035. Newfoundland and Labrador Regulation. 2018. Newfoundland and Labrador Regulation 78/18 Placentia Bay Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Undertaking Release Order. https://www.assembly. Norwegian Seafood Council. 2023. Næve, I., S.A. Korsvoll, N. Santi, M. Medina and A. Aunsmo. 2022. The power of genetics: Past and future contribution of balanced genetic selection to sustainable growth and productivity of the Norwegian Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) industry. Aquaculture 553: 738061. Sambraus, F., P.G. Fjelldal, S.C. Remø, E.M. Hevrøy, T.O. Nilsen, A. Thorsen, T.J. Hansen and R. Waagbø. 2017. Water temperature and dietary histidine affect cataract formation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) diploid and triploid yearling smolt. Journal of Fish Diseases 40: 1195-1212. Sambraus, F., M. Remen, R.O. Olsen, T.J. Hansen, R. Waagbø. T. Torgersen, E.J. Lock, A. Imsland, T.W.K. Fraser and P.G. Fjelldal. 2018. Changes in water temperature and oxygen: the effect of triploidy on performance and metabolism in large farmed Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10: 157-172. Sambraus, F., T. Hansen, B.S. Daae, A. Thorsen, R. Sandvik, L.H. Stien, T.W.K. Fraser and P.G. Fjelldal. 2020. Triploid Atlantic salmon Salmo salar have a higher dietary phosphorus requirement for bone mineralization during early development. Journal of Fish Biology 97: 137-147. Solberg, M.F., G. Robertsen, L.E. Sundt-Hansen, K. Hindar and K.A. Glover. 2020. Domestication leads to increased predation susceptibility. Scientific Reports 10: 1929. Stien, L.H., P.A. Sæther, T. Kristiansen, P.G. Fjelldal and F. Sambraus. 2019. Første samlerapport: Velferd for triploid laks I Nord-Norge. Rapport fra Havforskningen nr. 2019-47. Stien, L.H., F. Sambraus, P.A. Sæther, T. Kristiansen, J. Nilsson and P.G. Fjelldal. 2021a. Andre samlerapport: Velferd for triploid laks I Nord-Norge. Rapport fra Havforskningen nr. 2021-13. Stien, L.H., F. Sambraus, T. Kristiansen, P.G. Fjelldal, P.A. Sæther and L. Martinsen. 2021b. Tredje samlerapport: Velferd for triploid laks I Nord-Norge. Rapport fra Havforskningen nr. 2021-44. The Scientific Council for Salmon Management. 2021. Status of wild Atlantic salmon in Norway in 2021. https://hdl.handle. net/11250/2830680. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 2022. animal-veterinary/aquadvantage-salmon/qa-fdas-approvalaquadvantage-salmon. Yaskowiak, E.S., M.A. Shears, A. Agarwal-Mawal and G.L. Fletcher. 2006. Characterization and multi-generational stability of the growth hormone transgene (EO-1α) responsible for enhanced growth rates in Atlantic salmon. Transgenic Research 15: 465-480.