World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • DECEMBER 2023 25 is generally believed that there will be an increase in the production of higher-value (from a marketing viewpoint) fish and crustacean species within large-scale off-shore farming operations, including the use of giant sea-cages, floating platforms, refitted oil-tankers, and purpose-built floating mobile fish farms (Costa-Pierce et al. 2022; Simpson 2011) (Figure 10). Further automation & digitalization of aquaculture production As with terrestrial agricultural food production systems, automation and digitalization of aquaculture operations will become increasingly more commonplace so as to further reduce production costs, including the use of real time monitoring systems (for biomass, disease outbreaks, the external presence of parasites, water quality measurement, and feeds and feeding), robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning (Mustapha et al. 2021; Rowan 2023). The Wild card In contrast to conventional terrestrial agricultural and aquatic food production systems (including aquaculture), there is the possibility that mass production of lab-grown seafood products might gain global traction, particularly if production could be scaled up so as to make production costs affordable to the consumer (Halpern et al. 2021; Roy et al. 2021; Sergelidis 2019). * Editor’s note: Based on a paper presented by the author on “Aquaculture, the past, present, and the future” at the 20th Anniversary of the Marine Aquaculture Centre Symposium in Singapore, 14 August 2023. Notes Albert G.J. Tacon, Aquahana LLC, Kailua, HI 96734 USA References Aich, N., S. Nama, A. Biswal and T. Paul. 2020. A review on recirculating aquaculture systems: challenges and opportunities for sustainable aquaculture. Inno. Farm. 5(1): 17-24. Chopin, T. and A.G.J. Tacon. 2020. Importance of seaweeds and extractive species in global aquaculture production. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 29(2):139-148. Costa-Pierce, B.A., A.B. Bockus, B.H. Buck, S.W. van den Burg, T. Chopin, J.G. Ferreira, N. Goseberg, K.G. Heasman, J. Johansen, S.E. Shumway and N.A. Sims. 2022. A Fishy Story. Promoting a False Dichotomy to Policy-Makers: It Is Not Freshwater vs. Marine Aquaculture. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 30(4):429-46. FAO. 2023. FishStatJ, a tool for fishery statistics analysis. Release: 4.03.00 Universal Software for Fishery Statistical Time Series. Global aquaculture production: Quantity 1950–2021 Value 1950– 2021; Rome, Italy: FAO. p. 1950– 2021. FAO & WHO. 2019. Sustainable healthy diets – Guiding principles. Rome. 37p. Halpern, B.S., J. Maier, H.J. Lahr, G. Blasco, C. Costello, R.S. Cottrell, O. Deschenes, D.M. Ferraro, H.E. Froehlich, G.G. McDonald and K.D. Millage. 2021. The long and narrow path for novel cell-based seafood to reduce fishing pressure for marine ecosystem recovery. Fish and Fisheries 22(3):652-64. Houston, R.D., T.P. Bean, D.J. Macqueen, M.K. Gundappa, Y.H. Jin, T.L. Jenkins, S.L.C. Selly, S.A.M. Martin, J.R. Stevens, E.M. Santos, A. Davie and D. Robledo. 2020. Harnessing genomics to fast-track genetic improvement in aquaculture. Nature Reviews (Genetics) 21:389-409. Mota, V.C., A. Striberny, G.C. Verstege, G.F. Difford and C.C. Lazado. 2022. Evaluation of a Recirculating Aquaculture System Research Facility Designed to Address Current Knowledge Needs in Atlantic Salmon Production. Front. Anim. Sci. 3:876504. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2022.87650 Mustapha, U.F., A.W. Alhassan, D.N. Jiang and G.L. Li. 2021. Sustainable aquaculture development: a review on the roles of cloud computing, internet of things and artificial intelligence (CIA). Reviews in Aquaculture13(4):2076-91. Roy, B., A. Hagappa, T.D. Ramalingam and N. Mahalingam. 2021. A review on lab-grown meat: Advantages and disadvantages. Quest International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 4(1):19-24. Rowan, N.J. 2023. The role of digital technologies in supporting and improving fishery and aquaculture across the supply chain – Quo Vadis? Aquaculture and Fisheries 8(4):365-374. Sergelidis, D. 2019. Lab grown meat: The future sustainable alternative to meat or a novel functional food. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 17(1):12440-12444. Simpson, S. 2011. The blue food revolution. Scientific American 304(2):54-61. Song, H., T. Dong, X. Yan, W. Wang, Z. Tian, A. Sun, Y. Dong, H. Zhu and H. Hu. 2023. Genomic selection and its research progress in aquaculture breeding. Reviews in Aquaculture 15(1):274-291. Tacon, A.G.J. and M. Metian. 2013. Fish Matters: importance of aquatic foods in human nutrition and global food supply. Reviews in Fisheries Science 21(1):1–17. Tacon, A.G.J., M. Metian and A. McNevin. 2021. Future feeds: Suggested guidelines for sustainable development. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 30(6):1-13. Tacon, A.G.J., T.T.I. Coelho, J. Levy, T.M. Machado, C.R.P. Neiva and D. Lemos. 2023. Annotated bibliography of selected papers dealing with the health benefits and risks of fish and seafood consumption. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. In contrast to conventional terrestrial agricultural and aquatic food production systems (including aquaculture), there is the possibility that mass production of lab-grown seafood products might gain global traction, particularly if production could be scaled up so as to make production costs affordable to the consumer.