World Aquaculture Magazine - December 2023

WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • DECEMBER 2023 1 WORLD AQUACULTURE MAGAZINE WORLD AQUACULTURE magazine is published by the World Aquaculture Society. The home office address is: World Aquaculture Society, PO Box 397, Sorrento LA 70778-0397 USA. P and F: +1-225-347-5408; Email: World Aquaculture Society Home Page: WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY OFFICERS, 2023-24 Humberto Villarreal, President Jennifer Cobcroft Blair, Immediate Past President David Cline, President-Elect Reginald Blaylock, Treasurer Rumaitha Al Busaidi, Secretary DIRECTORS Victoria Tarus Hillary Egna Angela Caporelli Etienne Hinrichsen Shivaun Leonard Yahira Piedrahita Marina M. Rubio Benito, Student Director CHAPTER REPRESENTATIVES Foluke Omotayo Areola, African Salin Krishna, Asian Pacific Ik Kyo Chung, Korean Francisco Javier Martínez Cordero, Latin America and Caribbean Anita Kelly, USAS HOME OFFICE STAFF Judy Edwards Andrasko, Director, Killian A. Haydel, Assistant Director, WORLD AQUACULTURE EDITORIAL STAFF C. Greg Lutz, Editor-in-Chief Mary Nickum, Editor Linda Noble, Layout Editor WAS CONFERENCES AND SALES John Cooksey, Executive Director of Conferences and Sales World Aquaculture Conference Management P.O. Box 2302, Valley Center, CA 92082 P: +1-760-751-5005; F: +1-760-751-5003 Email: MANUSCRIPTS AND CORRESPONDENCE Submit manuscripts as Microsoft Word files to Mary Nickum, Editor, World Aquaculture magazine. Email: Letters to the Editor or other comments should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, C. Greg Lutz at WORLD AQUACULTURE (ISSN 1041-5602), is published quarterly by the World Aquaculture Society, 6203 Jonathan Alaric Avenue, Gonzales, LA 70737 USA. Individual subscriptions are a benefit of membership in the World Aquaculture Society. Annual membership dues: Students, $45; Individuals, $90; Corporations, $295; Sustaining, $155 (individuals or non-profits); Lifetime (individuals) $1,400. ©2023, The World Aquaculture Society. W RLD AQUACULTURE VOL. 54 NO. 4 DECEMBER 2023 12 the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society Editor’s Choice Awards 17 Tropical Seaweed Cultivation in Hawai’i Simona Augyte, M.J. MacMahon, Trevor Chambers, Jennica Lowell-Hawkins and Neil A. Sims 22 World Aquaculture Trends and Future Prospects Albert G.J. Tacon PhD 26 Norway’s Experiment with Triploid Atlantic Salmon: From Small-scale Successes to the Suspension of Commercial Trials Thomas W. K. Fraser, Per Gunnar Fjelldal and Tom J. Hansen 32 A Hard Look at Environmental DNA Paul Zajicek and Nathan Stone 37 Aquaculture Gear Type Affects Eastern Oyster Growth and the Diversity of Aquatic Species Timothy J. Smoot and Edward A. Hale 43 Community-based Aquaculture in Floodplain Wetlands of Eastern India Rohan Kumar Raman, Vivekanand Bharti, Dhiraj Kumar Singh, Jaspreet Singh and Akram Ahmed 48 Unbundling sustainable community-based dam aquaculture for blue growth Christopher Mulanda Aura, Grace Njagi, Ruth Lewo Mwarabu, Chrisphine S. Nyamweya, Jane Fonda Awuor, Safina Musa, Collins Ongore, Sammy Macharia and James M. Njiru 55 Balancing Natural and Artificial Selection in Captive Rearing Programs Desmond J. Maynard 60 Potential of scallop aquaculture in the U. S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Destinee Turnbull, Gerson Martinez and Herbert Quintero 65 A New Paradigm in Offshore Macroalgae Farming: Reducing the Risk of Marine Mammal Entanglement Michael Chambers, Zach Moscicki, Peter Lynn, Tobias Dewhurst and Beth Zotter 68 Productivity of Micronutrients from Integrated Aquaculture-Agriculture Systems Liz Ignowski and Ben Belton 72 Valorization of Seaweed Waste and its Potential Use C. Sathishkumar, G. Sanjay and Amit Ranjan COVER: A number of macroalgae culture methods are being evaluated at Ocean Era, Inc. in Hawai'i. See story, page 17. (CONTENTS CONTINUED ON PAGE 2)