WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • MARCH 2023 31 Interest in commercial aquaponics is expanding across the US. Growers are drawn to aquaponics by improved resource use and production of both fish and plants. As Extension specialists, we are often tasked with grounding the starry-eyed stakeholder in the realworld challenges they will face. The most common questions asked by potential aquaponic producers are “What should I grow?” and “Can I make any money?” As with most good questions, the answer is “It depends.” The most important factors in determining the financial viability of an aquaponic business are economies-of-scale, crops grown, sales opportunities, market prices, energy prices and Challenges and Solutions for Aquaponic Profitability D. Allen Pattillo and Janelle V. Hager (CONTINUED ON PAGE 32)