World Aquaculture - March 2023

WWW.WAS.ORG • WORLD AQUACULTURE • MARCH 2023 29 overlooked. The first is the problem of the Field of Dreams perspective “If you build it, they will come,” which is common in aquaculture system development discourse. Aquaculture growth, especially the kind with characteristics of inclusivity, sustainability and widespread economic benefit is unlikely to spring forth organically; it needs to be catalyzed. There is need for long-term capital and time investment and buy-in from communities, institutions and governments. It also needs to take a systems approach, focusing beyond only production towards creating a broader enabling environment. Market development, consumer awareness, capacity building, value chain development and accessible information and resources are critical for a system to grow. The second component that is often missing is ensuring that the system is socially and culturally embedded. It is a common mistake among scholars and industry actors of the Global North to assume that the profit motive will be sufficient to spark the adoption and growth of a new livelihood activity. Even if concerns about the switching risks are addressed, small-scale farming in the Global South is viewed as a way of life connected to community and thus what people produce is part of how they define themselves. Having a reason to produce fish, such as contributing to the health and wellbeing of community, contributing to culture or generating local pride is often necessary for people to adopt that activity. Aquaculture can often position itself to fit well with these, but it is a pathway that is often missed by development practitioners. Overall, central Bolivian aquaculture shows that aquaculture has the potential to expand to new geographies and generate rural development outcomes. However, it is important to recognize its development as one that is more than a technical problem, but rather a social, economic, environmental and collaboration challenge. Notes Sean Irwin, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC, Canada Roxana Dulón and Joachim Carolsfeld, World Fisheries Trust, Victoria, BC, Canada Veronica Hinojosa and Widen Abastoflor, CEPAC, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Alvaro Céspedes and Luis Badani, IMG, Cochabamba, Bolivia 1 Common names of the two species vary in the Amazon; C. macropomus is tambaqui in Portuguese, P. brachypomus is pirapatinga, and P. mesopotamicus is pacu. English picks up names from both Spanish and Portuguese. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 All photos are copyright of the authors unless otherwise stated. References Campos-Baca, L. and C. Kohler. 2005. Aquaculture of Colossoma macropomum and related species in Latin America. American Fisheries Society Symposium 46:541-561. Canal-Beeby, E. 2012. 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Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Victoria. Irwin, S., M. Flaherty and J. Carolsfeld. 2021. The contribution of smallscale, privately owned tropical aquaculture to food security and dietary diversity in Bolivia. Food Security 13:199-218. Kochhann, D., M. Jardim, D. Valdez, X. Fabiola and L. Adalberto. 2015. Biochemical and behavioral responses of the Amazonian fish Colossoma macropomum to crude oil: The effect of oil layer on water surface. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 111:32-41. Gongora, B. 2022. La prducción piscicola nacional no cubre ni la mitad de la demanda. La Razon. 11 September 2022. economia/2022/09/11/la-produccion-piscicola-nacional-no-cubre-ni-lamitad-de-la-demanda/ Hinojosa, V.R. 2018. Informe de Salida de Piscicultura del Proyecto Peces para la Vida II. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Hinojosa, V.R. 2022. Documento de Trabajo 3: Zonas de Producción. Proyecto Peces para la Vida (Empoderamiento and Sostenibilidad) – BD EXCEL. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Lovshin, L. 1995. The Colossomids. Pages 153-159 in C. Nash and A. Novotny, eds. Production of Aquatic Animals: Fishes. Elsevier Science: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Lucas, C. 2008. Within flood season variation in fruit consumption and seed dispersal by two characin fishes of the Amazon. Biotropica 40(5):581-589. PPV (Peces Para La Vida). 2022. Empowering Bolivian women through sustainable small-scale pond aquaculture: Baseline. Report to Global Affairs Canada. Rainville, T., S. Irwin, V.R. Hinojosa, C. Castellon and W. Abastoflor. 2017. Small-scale aquaculture in the Bolivian Amazon: A contextuallybased solution for positive social and economic outcomes. Pages 89102 in J. Duncan and M. Bailey, editors. Sustainable Food Futures: Multidisciplinary Solutions. Routledge, London, UK. Val, A. 1995. Oxygen transfer in fish: Morphological and molecular adjustments. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 28:1119-1127. Val, A., C. Wood, R. Wilson, R. Gonzalez, M. Patrick and H. Bergman. 1998. 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