World Aquaculture Magazine - June 2020

46 JUNE 2020 • WORLD AQUACULTURE • WWW.WA S.ORG Erythromycin Thiocynate Copper Sulfate Copper Sulfate Copper Sulfate Chloramine-T Chloramine-T Oxytetracycline Dihydrate Oxytetracycline Dihydrate 17-alpha Methyltestosterone 17-alpha Methyltestosterone Eugenol Emamectin Benzoate Channel Catfish Pituitary Powder Crude Carp Pituitary Strontium TABLE 2. Additional techncal sections completed by the public sector (1990-2020). TAS=Target Animal Safety, EFF=Effectiveness, HFS=Components of the Human Food Safety technical section, EA=Components of the Environmental Assessment. Active Ingredient Proposed Label Claim Aquatic Species Technical Sections Addressed Control of mortality due to bacterial kidney disease associated with Renibacterium salmoninarum Treatment of ichthyophthiriosis ( Ichthyophthirius multifilii s) Treatment of ichthyophthiriosis ( Ichthyophthirius multifiliis ) Control of mortality due to saprolegniasis associated with fungi in the family Saprolegniaceae Prevention of mortality associated with bacterial gill disease Control of mortality due to external columnaris disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare Bacterial disease Control of mortality associated with necrotizing hepatopancreatitis Production of predominately (>80%) male populations Increase the proportion of phenotypic males For the sedation to a handleable condition For the control of Salmincola californiensis For use as a spawning aid For use as a spawning aid Skeletal marking Freshwater-reared Chinook salmon Finfish Channel catfish in earthen ponds Channel catfish eggs Tiger muskellunge Freshwater-reared coolwater finfish Freshwater reared cool and warmwater finfish. Penaeid shrimp Tilapia fry Swordtails ( Xiphophorus hellerii ) Freshwater nonsalmonids, freshwater salmonids Freshwater-reared Oncorhynchus mykiss Female channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus ) Freshwater finfish females Freshwater salmonid fry and fingerling TAS, EFF, HFS EFF, HFS TAS, EFF, HFS, EA TAS, EFF, HFS TAS, EFF TAS, EFF TAS TAS, EFF, HFS TAS, EFF, HFS EFF TAS, EFF TAS, EFF HFS, EA EFF TAS