AQUABIO - The Brazilian Society of
Aquaculture and Aquatic Biology
AQUABIO is a nonprofit organi-
zation instated in 2002 to foster the
advancement and development of
education, science and technology
in aquaculture, aquatic biology, and
related sciences in Brazil. The soci-
ety sponsors the dissemination of
scientific and technical information
through the organization of scien-
tific meetings and publication of the
corresponding proceedings, and rep-
resents the interests of professionals
in aquaculture and aquatic biology.
AQUABIO holds formal represen-
tation at the Conselho Nacional de
Aquicultura e Pesca (CONAPE - Bra-
zilian National Council for Aquacul-
ture and Fisheries) and advocates the
consolidation of a national policy on
science and technology along with
public or private and national or in-
ternational agencies.
An important achievement of
the society is the AQUACIÊNCIA,
a national symposium held every
even year since 2002. In this event,
the scientific community, industry,
farmers and students come along
to discuss key scientific advances in
the area. The last event took place in
Recife, Brazil, last September, gath-
ering nearly 1,000 registered partici-
pants. The next event will be held in
2012 in Palmas, TO, in the Amazon
region, and will be hosted by the re-
cently installed EMBRAPA Pesca
e Aquicultura (Brazilian Company
for Agricultural Research - Fisheries
and Aquaculture Center).
AQUABIO’s board of directors
for the 2010-2012 term was elected
last November. Challenges of the
newly appointed board are: 1) to ex-
pand the Society’s participation in
committees and councils dealing on
aquaculture and aquatic biology-
related issues, thus increasing their
participation in the discussion of
issues of importance to the activity,
and 2) to provide guidelines for the
generation of novel knowledge and
new technologies to promote the full
development of this economic activ-
ity in Brazil.
The members of the new board of
directors of AQUABIO are listed be-
low. It includes researchers from uni-
versities and research institutes from
all five Brazilian regions.
Débora Machado Fracalossi, UFSC,
SC — President
João Donato Scorvo Filho, APTA, SP
— Vice-President
Marco Aurélio Rotta, EMBRAPA,
Marle A. Villacorta Correa, UFAM,
Priscila V. Rosa Logato, UFLA, MG
Ronaldo Cavalli, UFRPE, PE
President’s committee
Secretary: Célia Maria Frasca Scorvo,
Executive Secretary: Dariane B.
Schoffen Enke, UFSC, SC
Treasurer: João Batista Kochenborger
Fernandes, CAUNESP, SP
Chair of the Editorial Board: Sílvio
Peixoto, UFRPE, PE
earlier editions. Examples of new top-
ics are probiotics and prebiotics. There
were several others.
The committee responded to the re-
view comments after a few weeks and
late in 2010 I received a second binder
that had, incredibly, even more pages
than the original. Some of the additional
material involved a response on how the
hundreds of comments and recommen-
dations had been addressed, but there
were also expansions of the information
provided on a number of topics.
The responses of the committee
resolved many of the issues brought
up by reviewers and defended the ap-
proach of the committee in cases when
their members didn’t agree with one or
more reviewer. Once I’d gone through
the responses to the reviewers and
added a few comments of my own, I
recommended that the National Re-
search Council accept the final draft.
My involvement in the process was
minor compared with the time and
effort exerted by the committee mem-
bers and reviewers. I was honored
to have a role in the development of
what is going to be the most compre-
hensive volume ever produced on fish
and shrimp nutrition and nutritional
Nutrient Requirements of Fish and
is not a novel. Interested par-
ties are not likely to read it from cover
to cover. Rather, it’s designed to be a
reference manual. Pick your topic from
the index and you’ll be provided with a
lot of information and references that
can take you the publications upon
which the information is based.
The publication will be available lat-
er this year. I am convinced it will be a
valuable reference for consultation by
fish/shellfish nutritionists, feed manu-
facturers and other interested parties
for years to come. The next committee
assigned to update the publication will
certainly have its work cut out.
— Robert R. Stickney
(Continued from page 2)
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