There will be several Farm Tours
to various aquaculture farms around
Natal. Please check the website for de-
Special airfares and hotel prices
have been arranged for visiting Natal.
Contact the official show travel agency
below who can help with airline res-
ervations. They also will make your
reservation at all the hotels that have
special rates for attendees of World
Aquaculture 2011. To get the special
hotel rates, please book through Ari-
tuba Turismo.
For the best airfares contact:
Contact: Aline Oliveira
+55 84 3133-3880
Be sure to check with the Brazil-
ian Embassy to see if you need a visa
to enter Brazil from your country. Be
sure to start the visa application pro-
cess early to make sure you get the visa
in time.
Sessions .................................. 1600 - 1730
Happy Hour & Posters ........... 1730 - 1900
Thursday, June 9
Registration Open . ................. 0800 - 1500
Sessions .................................. 0830 - 1030
Refreshment Break & Posters . 1030 - 1100
Sessions .................................. 1100 - 1200
Trade Show Open ................... 1030 - 1700
Lunch .................................... 1200 - 1330
Sessions .................................. 1330 - 1500
Refreshment Break & Posters . 1500 - 1530
Sessions .................................. 1530 - 1730
Exhibit Move-out ................... 1700 - 2200
President’s Reception .............. 1930 - 2200
Friday, June 10
Registration Open . .................0830 - 1500
Sessions ..................................0830 - 1000
Refreshment Break & Posters .1000 - 1030
Sessions ..................................1030 - 1200
Lunch .....................................1200 - 1330
Sessions ..................................1330 - 1500
Refreshment Break & Posters .1500 - 1530
Sessions ..................................1530 - 1700
Closing Happy Hour ..............1700 - 1800
Monday, June 6
Registration Open & Exhibit
Set-up ................................ 1000 - 1700
VIP Reception ........................ 1730 - 1800
Opening Ceremonies .............. 1800 - 1900
Welcome Reception ................ 1900 - 2100
Tuesday, June 7
Registration Open . ................. 0730 - 1700
Awards & Plenary Session ...... 0830 - 1030
Refreshment Break ................. 1030 - 1130
Trade Show Open ................... 1030 - 1900
Sessions .................................. 1130 - 1230
Lunch ..................................... 1230 - 1400
Sessions .................................. 1400 - 1730
Happy Hour & Posters ........... 1730 - 1900
Student Reception .................. 1900 - 2100
Wednesday, June 8
Registration ...................Open 0800 - 1500
Sessions .................................. 0830 - 1030
Refreshment Break & Posters . 1030 - 1100
Sessions .................................. 1100 - 1230
Trade Show Open ................... 1030 - 1900
Lunch ..................................... 1230 - 1400
Sessions .................................. 1400 - 1530
Refreshment Break & Posters . 1530 - 1600
Stay in touch with the program developments for
World Aquaculture 2011
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