World Aquaculture - March 2009

World Aquaculture 37 including stocking rate, the quality and quantity of feed supply, water quality and other aspects of gher management. Total rice production has probably decreased as a result of widespread conversion of rice fields into ghers. However, at the farm level, many farmers reported increased rice productivity as a result of gher construction, as the gher dikes now keep saline water out of the fields. Average rice production was estimated at 2,230 kg/ha/crop. Productivity of rice in ghers was estimated including the area of canal and water for prawn farming so actual yields will be higher, typically by 20 to 25 percent. Livelihoods of Rural Poor The livelihoods of a large number of rural poor are involved with prawn farming and its associated activities. According to DOF (2002), there are 600,000 people employed in this sector in Bangladesh. Figure 2 is a diagram of the integrated prawn production process, where different groups of people are involved in different activities. The following groups of people were identified in prawn production and marketing systems: Prawn farmers. A large number of people earn their livelihood in prawn farming. It is reported that almost all the small and marginal farmers were poor and a few farmers (10 percent) were from the middle class. Many prawn farmers were highly dependent on moneylenders. It seems certain that the rich were getting richer as a result of prawn farming. Large farmers, who had built ghers on their own land with their own capital, required no loans and benefited the most. Medium sized farmers also did well. However, poor farmers with small ghers benefited the least. In contrast, a few key informants stated that small farmers benefited the most, because their situation had been so desperate before prawn farming and now they are living better. Women. The role of women in the prawn-related activities is potentially important. Women are involved in a great variety of integrated prawn farming activities, such as preparation of feeds, feeding of fish and prawns, gher management and prawn harvesting and marketing. The workload of women has increased as a result of integrated prawn farming. Women noted that they would like to do more work in prawn farming because of its high economic return; however, it was not possible as a result of their household work obligations. Prawn farming activities of women have enhanced their position in families and society. They now tend to play a stronger role in economic decisions of their households, attend social functions, accept family planning methods and providing advice to sons or daughters on selection of spouses. Children. Poverty causes a large number of children to be involved in integrated prawn farming and associated activities. It was found that almost all children over 12 years Mr. Keramat Ali - the father of freshwater prawn farming. A farmer with harvested prawn. Fig. 2. Integrated prawn production processes in gher systems. A local trader with prawns which are exported to the international market.