2 March 2009 Editor’s note In the December 2008 issue of World Aquaculture, I indicated that letters in response to the article entitled “An Interview With a Fish” by James Rose would be printed if space were available. Well, space seems to be available, so the accompanying letter represents what has come in thus far. We’ll keep the offer open through the deadline for the June issue (May 15) in case anyone else would like to weigh in on the issues raised in the Rose article. — RSS Dear Editor: I read with interest the interview with James Rose titled “Interview with a fish” in your magazine. Professor Rose ignored a plethora of scientific research showing that fish are sentient beings and feel pain. This information has been summarized in one of my review essays that can be downloaded online at http://www.int-res.com/articles/ dao_oa/d075p087.pdf and in my book The Emotional Lives of Animals, and there is also updated information in another essay available at http://arbs.biblioteca.unesp.br/viewissue.php (Why “Good Welfare” Isn’t “Good Enough”). Information is continually being collected that contradict the view that fish do not feel pain. Readers can also look at the recent research by Professor Ian Duncan and his colleagues at the University of Guelph (http://www.uoguelph.ca/ abw/iduncan/index.shtml). — Marc Bekoff http://literati.net/Bekoff www.ethologicalethics.org Professor Emeritus Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Colorado, Boulder 57 Improved feed management strategy for Litopenaeus vannamei in limited exchange culture systems Susmita Patnaik and Tzachi M. Samocha 60 Aquaculture in China — Freshwater pearl culture Jiale Li and Yingsen Li 61 Ponds in drought Forrest Wynne 64 Ethics in aquaculture Luis Vinatea Departments 19 Editor’s note 42 Scenes from Seattle 63 WAS student members excel in Busan, Korea 72 Calendar 72 WAS Membership Application Contents (continued) Advertisers’ Index AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2010..................55 Aquaculture Association of Canada..................29 Aquaculture Systems Technology..........Inside Back Cover Aquaculture Without Frontiers..........................39 Aquafauna Biomarine..........................................7 Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc...................................25 AREA..................................................Back Cover Argent Laboratories.................Inside Front Cover aova Technologies..............................................44 Fish Breeding Association Taiwan.....................50 GTC Nutrition...................................................41 Northern Aquaculture........................................47 USAS Sponsored Publications...........................65 WAS Online Store..............................................56 WAS Future Meetings........................................71 WORLD AQUACULTURE 2009......................34 World Fishing Exhibition...................................33