PhD Scholarship: Parasites in Aquaculture

Swansea, United Kingdom Full Time

Job Details

Biological Sciences: Fully Funded Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and Swansea Welsh Medium PhD Scholarship: Parasites in Aquaculture

The proposed doctoral project will investigate the transmission of parasites and other pathogens between the lump fish (Cyclopterus lumpus), a cleaner fish used by the salmon aquaculture industry as an alternative to chemicals to treat sea-lice, and the salmon (Salmo salar). Parasites thrive under aquaculture high-density conditions, causing high mortality and economic losses. Using fish (e.g. lumpfish and wrasse) to remove parasites from salmon in aquaculture settings is considered a sustainable alternative to using chemicals. However, there is virtually no research into the effects of forced coexistence of non-coexisting species together, especially at high densities. One of the major dangers that has emerged is the translocation of parasites that can potentially have evolutionary consequences for the host organism and the parasite, as well as unpredictable health consequences for both species. The project will use techniques based on quantitative PCR methodologies (qPCR) recently developed at Swansea University's dedicated aquaculture facilities by the lead supervisor for this project (see Naung et al. 2020 for details) as well as behavioural analyses to investigate the potential routs of transmission of pathogens between the two target species. 

Naung, M., Uren-Webster, T., Lloyd, R., Garcia de Leaniz, C., Consuegra, S. (2020) A novel qPCR assay for the rapid detection and quantification of the lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) microsporidian parasite Nucleospora cyclopteri. Aquaculture 531, 735779


Candidates must have attained, or must be expected to attain, a first-class honours degree and/or a distinction at master’s level. 

Specific Requirements
  • Where applicants have multiple master’s degrees, a distinction must be held in the degree that is most relevant to the intended PhD study. 
  • If you are currently studying for a master’s level qualification with an expected award date that is later than 01/10/2024, you should hold a minimum of an upper-second-class (2:1) honours degree.   
  • You should be able to demonstrate a pass with a minimum grade average of at least 70% for your part-one master’s degree modules (the taught aspect of your master’s course rather than a research-focused dissertation) and submit your dissertation by no later than 30/09/2024.  

Contact Information

Swansea University

Where to apply

Post Date: 7/30/2024 12:02:21 PM
Closing Date: 10/1/2024 12:00:00 AM